Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journey of Man: Part Two

It makes sense that our skin color changed over the years as we adapted to our environment. I have heard that the Native Americans came over from Asia, and this all makes more sense now.  I didn't think that we all came from Africa though.  I never thought about it at all really.  But it makes sense. What they will need to do now, is go back to that African tribe and find out more more about the very first humans.  This could only be done though bones and cave drawings, but it would be interesting.

The message of this, or the reason you showed it I think, is acceptance.  The TRUTH about racism, is that it only exists in our hearts.  If we all came from one man and woman, we are all family!  I loved when he said we are all brothers and sisters separated by 2000 generations.  It really sparks a sense of community that we need to think about everyday.

I guess I won't get my answer about why some of the first Africans left.  Because if it would have been a life or death situation, they all would have left.  Maybe leave the migration to a higher purpose, that we were suppose to populate the earth.  I need to be more like Violet was at the end of "Intention Neglect" and just accept that there are just not answers to some things.  There are some things that this race, even if it lives on for another 2000 generations, will never know.  When I become 100% okay with that I know I'll be happy.

I enjoyed this class.  Beyond the literature, I was challenged to grow in ways I didn't think I would be. 

Keri Jo

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Journey of Man: Part One

The most interesting part of this movie to me is finding out why so many people left there homes and ended up in Australia.  I was thinking he was going to say that they walked across the ocean during the ice age, but ocean water doesn't freeze.  They way shows like this pan out, they are set up only for success.  So that means, because they went to India, they WILL find what they are looking for there.  But why would so many of them leave Africa and not stop until they reached Australia?

The first thing question that got my brain working was how many of them left?  You know there had to be a lot of them, because traveling would have wore them down, and many of them would have died along the way.  The trip had to have taken several years, so many of them would have died.  So what kind of outrageous number are we talking about?  Because there had to be a good number of people to populate Australia.  I'm really surprised a split like this didn't cause our species to die out.

So the other question is why would they leave?  What was going on back then that would have made them want to risk their lives and their children's lives to go out into the unknown?  They didn't have to do it to survive, or the others that stayed would have all died out.  Could curiosity really be that strong?  Even if it was, there wouldn't have been enough of them that were crazy enough to do this.  So I wanna know what happened.  It had to have been big.

And also, he was talking about bones as old as 60,000 years.  Holy cow.  Wouldn't it be cool to be a fly on a cave wall, see how they lived and what kind of creatures roamed the earth?  The animals had to be very post-dinosaury.  And what happened with the ice age?  How did man survive?  I have a feeling that this movie won't be as descriptive as I'd like, but that's usual because we always want more answers when it comes to stuff like this.  Looking forward to finding out why they left Africa! If they even know...

Until next time,

Keri Jo