Oooh, I love this song! What a strange story... It was suppose to be a memoir I think, but not all of it is true, so it there a such thing as a creative memoir? Gamalinda, through this piece, has wrote something unlike anything I have ever encountered in all my years of reading literature. I don't even know where to start because It was so weird. But an awesome kind of weird. I would read stuff like this everyday for the rest of my life, because maybe I am strange too.
So the narrator of this story (I'm going to call it a story because it is not non-fiction) can change color at will like a chameleon. I'm sure we can all account a time when we tried to imitate an accent or something like that, but he is saying he can actually change color like a chameleon, that it is a physical change, not just acting. I do enjoy acting these things out sometimes. Only in good fun, not to make fun or hurt others, but simply for amusement. I am particularly fond of the Australian accent, which I sometimes belt out in the car while singing (alone of course!), and my niece and I try to do funny accents and record them on my cell phone and play them back and laugh and laugh.
But this guy seems more like a schizophrenic than a jester. I'm no psychologist, but the multiple personalities point towards dissociative identity disorder, but if the characters are only in his head, they may just be delusions, and that along with the paranoia would be paranoid schizophrenia. Why did I take so much psychology???? I'm a writer! Anyways, the knowledge comes in useful sometimes.
So through this piece the narrator prophesies his own death. He knows it is going to happen before it happens, or so it seems. I can't even really wrap my mind around it, but I know it will make a great topic for a response paper. I hope we talk about this a lot in class (stories like this makes me wish we had a longer class period!) because I am so interested in this piece that I want all the answers.
Until next time,
Keri Jo
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