I found this story to be very interesting. The characterization was done really well, and the language, which I'm not even sure if Filipino is a language or if they speak some other Asian language, really helped make the story come to life. I love when ethnic writers use foreign language in their works. Even if I don't know what it means, it adds to the piece and makes it authentic.
These characters were arguing over it is right to follow your own, as in your own race, even when they do something so wrong. Most agreed that they should honor the murder's death, but Junior wouldn't have it. And I agree with him. I am an American, but I also know that there are bad people everywhere. Every race, color, country, city, has bad people and good people. I would not stick up for an American that murdered someone JUST because he was an American. No wonder other cities thought this one was full of ignorant people. I was also very shocked by all of the violence. They cant even relax and enjoy a beer without someone pulling out a gun and trying to shoot someone. Crazy! If people did that in a bar in America they wouldn't just be yelled at, they would be arrested. Everyone has a different POV, but that is no reason to shoot someone.
I was surprised to see that a woman ran the town. Kapitana. Like captain, right? She was the mayor, I think, and she was definitely queen b. When Junior was mocking her gay son at the end, she tried to shoot him! I don't know how people can live like this. So barbaric! And they hate Americans. But then again, who doesn't? We just try to take over the world right? I am against war and violence, which our country takes big part in, but that doesn't always represent the individual. The single mom with two kids working at Hy-Vee. The surgeon in the OR that saves your son's life after a car crash. The missionaries that go over seas to help people. America isn't all bad, but some people like to think so.
I didn't know that we went over there and started war though. I knew about Vietnam and Hiroshima, but I didn't know anything about the Philippines. Sometimes I wish our country would just mind their own business so we could stay out of the spot light. Most of the reading for today was difficult to understand, but this story, Cunanan's Wake, was the one I understood the best. For the other things we read today, I will have to get help from class discussion to understand it, because not only did I not understand what I was reading, but I didn't even know WHAT I was reading. It was set up very strangely in comparison to what I am used to, so I hope things will be clarified in class.
Until next time,
Keri Jo
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